Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unit 10 SQL!!

I am still having trouble with SQL and in some ways this has been where the course stopped for me and I lingered far too long. As I write this I am still working on writing my query assignment (like this blog, very late) for the Unit 10 drop box and I have taken far too long to ask for help.

Unfortunately for me, the two components remaining that I really needed to move along with the class on were SQL and PHP and I have been forced by my own situation to proceed on these without the course in some sense. It has taken me a long time to amass the resources that work for me concerning SQL. I found Mostafa difficult to understand on SQL but wonderfully lucid concerning PHP, for example.

Writing SQL queries is much easier for me I find if I sit for hours and enter them at the command line rather than sit for hours listening to Mostafa, writing down a query and then attempting to enter the query. I find that simply sitting and spinning the wheels as one would on a combination lock one has no idea the number of would do. I am learning about my style of learning. I am unsure sometimes within this course what I can and cannot neglect.

I feel as though I would rather have had more time and assignment concerning the command line instead of the planning units. One planning unit and then perhaps an extra week to try to get our PHP to work may have suited me better. But I loved the course and would not change a thing except that I could not change things in my own life that have been scheduled long ago.

Strangely, I studied SQL in IRLS515 and quite liked it. I was looking forward to having another go at it in this class and, as I read the syllabus as the beginning of this course, I thought this time might serve as a much valued second exposure to this obviously central topic to those creating or searching databases. But, ironically for me, the SQL portion of this course is where I fell of the horse and have been dragged by the stirrup ever since.

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