Tuesday, June 1, 2010

When is a remote desktop like a cat in the snow?

Accessing the remote Linux desktop this week for the first time I feel a sense of accomplishment as I employ a Virtual Network Computing application through a Virtual Private Network and begin exploring the command line interface. I do not spend much time on the remote desktop unfortunately as I run into problems with adjusting my screen resolution and find myself at the 24 computer support center on the University of Arizona campus at a very late hour. I will not alter my screen resolution through this portal for the rest of this semester.

The tutorials as created and provided by Bruce Fulton are lucid and very helpful in regards to setting up and connecting to the remote desktop. I also continue watching this week Arthur Griffith’s “Introduction to Linux” series and, while note-taking is advised, I find it hard to know just what is or is not noteworthy. As I am new to the CLI (command line interface), I am still swimming in information and just trying to keep mouth and nostrils pointed towards the air. Griffith is wonderful but for a newbie this stuff flies by and I find that I have to watch his lectures over and over until osmosis occurs.

I find that I am still searching for a sense of overall meaningfulness in what all these commands mean or lead to, and I admit to feeling a bit lost in Linux this week. I am hoping that more experience of the CLI on the remote desktop enables me to get the kind of reactions one expects from learning a new language, namely, a response like laughter or tears. I wait to make my audience respond significantly in this new language, even if the audience is a machine.


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